About the university
The Universität der Künste Berlin (UdK Berlin), also known as the Berlin University of the Arts, is one of the world's largest art universities and the only one that unites all disciplines of the arts and related sciences. The four faculties of fine arts, design, music and performing arts as well as the Berlin Career College (Central Institute for Continuing Education) offer over 70 artistic, artistic-scientific and artistic-educational courses of study. Around a fifth of the 4,000 students come from abroad.
The history of the UdK Berlin goes back to the founding of the Brandenburg-Prussian Academy of Arts in 1696. It took on its current form in 1975 when the University of Fine Arts and the University of Music and Performing Arts merged to form the University of the Arts (HdK). The UdK Berlin has been known by its current name since 2001. Prof. Dr. Norbert Palz has been president since April 2020. With more than 700 events a year, the UdK Berlin makes a significant contribution to the city's cultural life.
Facts & figures
- More than 300 years of history since 1696
- 4,047 students
- 4 faculties
- Over 70 degree programmes
- 700 events annually
- Fine arts
- Design
- Music
- Performing arts
- Central Institute for Continuing Education
Products & projects