Stellenticket GmbH

About Stellenticket Start-ups

Stellenticket Start-ups is the place to find exciting career opportunities in the emerging start-up scene.

On the website, founders can search for co-founders as well as full-time employees, freelancers, working students and interns. There are no limitations regarding the field of expertise. The employment website is used by all job seekers - including people in STEM, economics, humanities and the social sciences - who want to become part of a new team with a fresh idea!

Job offers published on Stellenticket Start-ups can be published simultaneously on our university employment websites.

As a former start-up, supporting new businesses is important to us. We therefore offer university start-up services contingents of tickets for Stellenticket Start-ups at special rates. Please contact us if you are interested. 

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Products & projects
Academic employment websites at universities and research institutions
Customised campus management software with many applications
Employment websites for short-term and casual student jobs
The employment website exclusively for start-ups

Individual solutions

We develop software according to your needs