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About the university

Founded in 1992, the Leipzig University of Applied Sciences (HTWK Leipzig) with its six faculties can look back on numerous, much older traditions. Its predecessors include the Royal Saxon School of Building Trades, founded in 1838. Today, HTWK Leipzig offers around 6,580 students a wide range of application-oriented degree programmes in engineering, economics and social sciences, computer science and mathematics as well as applied media, information and cultural sciences.

With a practice-orientated, interdisciplinary perspective, HTWK Leipzig addresses urgent social challenges in each of its four profile lines: diminishing resources, the flood of information in the knowledge society, health in our ageing society or responsible action in favour of future generations.

The university's unique regional selling point is its broad engineering and technical profile. The proportion of students in STEM subjects is around 70%, and around 30% in the humanities and social sciences. All undergraduate degree programmes are accredited and admission is restricted due to the high demand. Graduates are in high demand both on the regional labour market and nationally due to the practice-oriented teaching and the high level of education.

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Facts & figures

  • Founded in 1992
  • 6,580 students
  • 179 professors
  • 6 faculties
  • 46 degree programmes


  • Architecture and social sciences
  • Civil engineering
  • Digital transformation
  • Computer science and media
  • Engineering
  • Economics
Products & projects
Academic employment websites at universities and research institutions
Customised campus management software with many applications
Employment websites for short-term and casual student jobs
The employment website exclusively for start-ups

Individual solutions

We develop software according to your needs