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About the university

Architecture and urban studies, civil engineering, art and design, and media: the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar has a clear profile. In science and art, work is carried out here on the conception, construction and design of current and future living spaces - analytically, creatively and innovatively. Following on from the Bauhaus founded by Walter Gropius in Weimar, the word “Bauhaus” in the university's name stands for experimentation, creativity, openness and internationality.

At the same time, research at the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar is diverse, international and interdisciplinary: in addition to the research focus areas “Digital Engineering” and “Cultural Media Research”, other research fields such as “City, Architecture and Environment”, “Material and Construction” and “Art.Design.Science” contribute to the special profile of the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar.

The Bauhaus-Universität Weimar offers around 40 degree programmes ranging from architecture, civil engineering and engineering science to fine arts and design as well as visual communication, media design, media science and computer science. Practical relevance plays an important role in all academic fields. Project-oriented work, combined with excellent research and teaching, guarantees sound academic knowledge and applied skills in a wide range of professional fields. The Bauhaus-Universität Weimar actively promotes internationalization: in particular, the high proportion of over 25 % international students and the wide range of exchange programmes offer students the best conditions for in-depth experience in intercultural cooperation.

Stellenticket Bauhaus-Universität Weimar is run in collaboration with the university's Career Service.

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Facts & figures

  • Founded in 1860 as Großherzogliche Kunstschule zu Weimar, Staatliches Bauhaus Weimar from 1919
  • 4,116 students, 27 % international students
  • 69 professors, 17 junior professors
  • 4 faculties
  • 44 degree programmes


  • Architecture and urban studies
  • Civil engineering
  • Art and design
  • Media
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