Publishing guide
Publish your job offer in 4 easy steps on the employment website of the TU Braunschweig
Step 1: register
- To publish job offers, you will need to register with your email address. Registration is free of charge.
- You will then receive an email from us with a token, which you can use to log in for the first time.
- Your account is structured into an overview, the ticket shop, your editorial office for job offers and an administration area for your personal data, invoices and tickets.
Step 2: create draft
- Create a new draft in your editorial office.
- Enter basic information about the job offer in the pre-settings.
- On the following page, enter all the details of your job offer. Required fields are marked with an asterisk.
- Once your draft is complete, you can publish it immediately or save it for later use.
Step 3: buy a ticket
- To publish a job offer, you will need a ticket, which can be purchased in our ticket shop.
- Select the target audience (students, graduates or events) and the universities that interest you. A suitable ticket will be displayed. You can chose whether to publish your offer in the standard version, or upgrade it to premium.
- Once you have placed the desired number of tickets in your cart, enter your billing information, select your payment method (on account, prepayment, credit card, PayPal, giropay, ApplePay) and confirm your purchase.
- You will receive the invoice by email, and if requested also by post.
- You can also view your invoices and tickets in your account in the administration area.
Standard ad
from 50 €* (student position) or 200 €* (graduate position/event)
- Support from our customer service
- Runtime: 30 days
- Company logo displayed in the list view and in your ad
- Standard layout
*plus VAT
Premium ad
for 40 €* in addition to the price for a standard ad
- Support from our customer service
- Runtime: 30 days
- Company logo displayed in the list view and in your ad
- Standard layout
- Highlighting in the list view
- Additional display of the ad in your own layout (PDF/HTML)
- Multilingual ad possible (German, English, French)
*plus VAT
Step 4: publish job offer
- To publish your job offer, go to drafts in your account, open the draft, and click on publish.
- Now select a ticket from the list of purchased tickets and confirm the universities you would like to your offer to appear at. The publication period can be adjusted if necessary.
- Click continue to publish your job ad.
- You can find your current and former job offers in your editorial office under publications.
Your job offer has been published on the employment website of the TU Braunschweig